15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

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15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

Postby William » Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:08 am

*Client version 6.0.0 and higher cannot enter dungeons.
*Difficulties using teleporter inside Wind to exit; perhaps this is related to client version.
*Yew crypts are vastly "buggy" to me; probably client version. They are also unspawned as is the brigand fort SW of Yew.
*grammatical issue with "a magic boots" & "a magic earrings" etc.
*blacksmith/weaponsmith purchases greatly damaged weapons at full price.
*Smelting weapons smithed of colored ore yields standard iron ore.
*Perhaps new players should start with a newbiefied spyglass since we use the original moongate system.
*At one point I think I saw something Faction-related; either the Minax stronghold or a town stone... something like that.
*Some mongbats have hides when skinned; I think this was fixed...perhaps I stumbled across some very old mongbats from before this was changed.
*Players can bandage/loot corpse while hidden without being revealed.
*Blade spirit = 2 followers, Energy Vortex = 1 follower.
*Player can cast spells even when frozen by paralyze/paralyze field.
*Trash barrels at the banks would be greatly appreciated.
*Misspelled shop sign in Minoc: Mystical Lute 93 57'N, 77 58'E
*Missing door in Moonglow: 36 44'N, 142 31'W
*Missing tile in Trinsic: 92 17'S, 45 16'E

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Re: 15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

Postby William » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:10 pm

I forgot the one about reagents!

The spellbook says that the spell "Lightning" uses Mandrake Root and Sulfurous Ash, however when I cast the spell it uses Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, and Black Pearl. Likewise, the spell "Fireball" is only supposed to use Black Pearl, however when casted it consumes both Black Pearl and Sulfurous Ash.

I haven't tested all spells. Is this accurate?

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Re: 15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

Postby AdminDupre » Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:05 am

The spellbook says that the spell "Lightning" uses Mandrake Root and Sulfurous Ash, however when I cast the spell it uses Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, and Black Pearl. Likewise, the spell "Fireball" is only supposed to use Black Pearl, however when casted it consumes both Black Pearl and Sulfurous Ash.
The spells were redone to use reagents based on old UO, but the spellbook graphics are generated by the client and list the newer requirements. Also, Razor will inaccurately display the reagents being used for a spell, but that can be corrected by replacing spells.def in your Razor directory with the attached version.
Replacement spells.def with correct spell reagents.
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Re: 15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

Postby William » Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:20 am

I replaced the file and nothing changed. :?

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Re: 15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

Postby AdminDupre » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:38 pm

The live shard has been updated with a number of changes and fixes, many of which addressed the issues listed above:

Client version 6.0.0 and higher cannot enter dungeons.
Client version 6.0.0 and above may now enter dungeons but receive a warning that an older client version is recommended and that the player may experience issues.

Difficulties using teleporter inside Wind to exit; perhaps this is related to client version.
I could not find any problems in Wind using client 6.0.0, but did not test with newer client versions.

Yew crypts are vastly "buggy" to me; probably client version. They are also unspawned as is the brigand fort SW of Yew.
The issues with accessing the Yew crypts and other areas designated as faction strongholds in modern UO have been fixed. Spawn changes are being considered.

grammatical issue with "a magic boots" & "a magic earrings" etc.
Unfortunately, client localization makes this difficult to overcome.

blacksmith/weaponsmith purchases greatly damaged weapons at full price.
NPC vendors now scale the price paid for weapons and armor by how damaged they are, up to 50% off for severely damaged items. To fetch the best price, have a player blacksmith repair the items before selling them.

Smelting weapons smithed of colored ore yields standard iron ore.
If you make a weapon out of colored ingots without using a runic hammer, the special ore color is lost in the process, creating a normal weapon of iron ingots.

Perhaps new players should start with a newbiefied spyglass since we use the original moongate system.
New characters are now given a newbie spyglass as loot.

At one point I think I saw something Faction-related; either the Minax stronghold or a town stone... something like that.
All faction related items should have been eliminated. Please let me know if you see any.

Some mongbats have hides when skinned; I think this was fixed...perhaps I stumbled across some very old mongbats from before this was changed.
Those would have been strong mongbats. Strong mongbats will no longer yield hides.

Players can bandage/loot corpse while hidden without being revealed.
This is normal per old UO. Players can bandage themselves or loot their own corpses without being revealed. The changes in OSI UO were made around mid-1999.

Blade spirit = 2 followers, Energy Vortex = 1 follower.
Energy vortexes have been adjusted.

Player can cast spells even when frozen by paralyze/paralyze field.
This is normal per old UO, though I'm not certain as to when the change was made in OSI UO.

Trash barrels at the banks would be greatly appreciated.
There are no plans to add trash barrels at banks. Items dropped will decay. Trash barrels did not exist around banks in classic UO.

Misspelled shop sign in Minoc: Mystical Lute 93 57'N, 77 58'E
The misspelling occurs in the client localization, but this has been overridden by manually setting the sign name.

Missing door in Moonglow: 36 44'N, 142 31'W
Door added.

Missing tile in Trinsic: 92 17'S, 45 16'E
Tile added.

Also, the issues reported regarding bards have been fixed. Provocation now flags the bard as the aggressor against the target character or creature. This can also cause a criminal flag if attacking a blue creature or player.

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Re: 15 Sept. '09 Bugs/Suggestions

Postby Sarim » Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:36 pm

Great work. The attention paid to this shard and those who play on it is the primary reason I keep coming back.

Thanks Dupre.

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